Complex Graphic Designer - Dubai

Requirements: SPECIFIC JOB KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES. Implementation of Marketing strategies, through quality collateral design for both E- and printed collaterals, which are market-focused, supportive of Sales & Marketing plans and in line with key priorities identified by Complex DOM/ Complex PR Manager. Proficient with following marketing and creative software: o Camera Nixon D3 o Apple LED Cinema Display o Blue Ray DVD Writer o Adobe CS4 Version. Writing & Communication skills. Presentation skills. Public Speaking. Integrity & trustworthiness. Customer focus. Interpersonal and intercultural skills. Motivational skills. Planning & organizational skills. Self-confidence and conviction. Understand and work within pre-set budgetary limits. Comply with Starwood policies. Comply with all systems and procedures as laid down by the Starwood. Creativity, Stress Management, Self-Development, Communication & Listening Skills. MS applications, Camera Nixon D3. Apple LED Cinema Display. Blue Ray DVD Writer. Adobe CS4 Version. QUALIFICATION STANDARDS: EDUCATION- Bachelors Degree in Marketing or any related field. EXPERIENCE: Must have In a similar position within five star hotels, or agency overall proven track record in luxury brand Marketing, for a period of minimum 6-8 years. More experience preferred. ; Registration & Applications at / is Free & Easy, visit our below website link to apply ; Website:

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