Video Production professional looking for a career with Production teams - Abu Dhabi

Dear HR Manager:
I am interested in the position of a Camera Operator/ Video Editor/ Photographer/ production assistant/ Graphic Designer at film & documentary production houses, T.V channels, ad agencies, print medias and event management companies as advertised in this website. Possessing extreme enthusiasm for filming projects along with a master degree in media studies, I am positive that my career profile aligns well with the job description that you have provided.
I had been working with Indian Institute of technology for around two years, and this experience has brought out creativity that I myself had not known. Working diligently by following camera scripts and creatively framing and capturing actions has instilled in me the ability to demonstrate genuine interest in this work. Since my previous place of work deal in all kinds of motion pictures including documentaries, I have a diverse array of skills and capabilities that will enable me to contribute to your bottom line. From doing still shoots to filming documentaries, I can do it all with much thoroughness and due diligence.
I am confident that we can work together and create history in this industry. I am available at my cell phone or e-mail if you need to get in touch with me in the interim.
You can analyze my work samples and show reels at these links:
Show reels at YouTube Channel:

Thank you for considering my credentials for this rewarding opportunity at your company.

Younus Salim. P

Posted on : 8 years ago, #25930, 1 views, Edit

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Abu Dhabi, UAE

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