Vacancy and urgently needed for British Airways Inc - Kuwait City

British Airlines requires for immediate and upcoming employment 40 Boeing B777 Captains.

The airline offers a unique opportunity for non-type rated B777 captian positions as current Boeing glass cockpit captians (B737

EFIS/NG, B757, B767 or B747-400).

British Airlines offer excellent B777 captain package with 45 days on/15 days off and 20 day on/10 days off rotation options. It also

offer candidates the possiblity of being based at select location in Europe or Australia.
Job Vacancy and urgently needed for British Airways Inc

[email protected]

Candidates can apply by emailing their resume and documents to Jerry Welson. Please indicate reference B777 Captain NTR

British Airline in your cover email and the advertising site you held from us.

Posted on : 8 years ago, #72182, 9 views

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Kuwait City, Kuwait

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