Teacher Required in Dubai - Dubai

Teacher Required in Dubai

The teacher’s primary role is to undertake the responsibility of providing the children in her care with a safe and secure learning environment.

The teacher is expected to:

plan, organize and deliver activities and create learning experiences for a group of children aged between forty-five (45) days and rising four (4) years old.
to work within an anti-discriminatory and inclusive environment and support the team to facilitate the all-round development of all children, enabling them to reach their full potential.
to be committed to certain learning outcomes for the children and, therefore to the types of teaching which will encourage these outcomes.
to take fundamental responsibility for the satisfactory progress and attainment of all children in her assigned class.
to work to support the development of children within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework enriched by the use of Inquiry-based learning.

Major Responsibilities

Within Planning:

planning collaboratively for children’s learning and development
planning, based on agreed children’s learning outcomes and in the context of a coherent nursery-wide curriculum
planning which builds upon children’s prior knowledge and experience
planning significant projects/units to be explored in depth
addressing assessment issues throughout the planning process
planning which leverages cross-curricular practice
planning which is differentiated to accommodate a range of children’s ability levels and needs

Within Teaching:

using a range and balance of teaching strategies
using a variety of different learning situations to facilitate grouping strategies
viewing children as active agents of learning who are developing their own thinking, approaches and conceptual understandings
building on what children already know
using a variety of resources representing multiple perspectives
empowering children to feel responsible and to take action
actively involving children in their own learning and development
pursuing open-ended questions and real-life investigations where appropriate
maintaining constant awareness of the needs of children with English as an additional language
addressing the needs of children with different levels and types of ability

Within Assessment:

viewing planning, teaching and assessment as interconnected processes
producing authentic and effective observations that support the children’s progress and attainment and consider the effectiveness of the learning environment
using a range and balance of assessment strategies
using a range and balance of recording and reporting strategies
involving children in shared reflection during and at the end of each project/unit
evaluating the projects/units programme collaboratively, using agreed flexible systems
assessing the level of children’s current experience and understanding before embarking on new learning
producing termly parents reports on each child in the class (one copy to the office)
maintaining objective, accurate and up-to-date records that identify the children’s individual needs, abilities and progress, and using these as a focus for future planning.

In addition, the Teacher is accountable for:

working in partnership with parents and carers at all times
managing the children’s behaviour and routines in line with the nursery’s policies, procedures and guidelines
actively participating in constructive reflection on one’s own professional practice based on the provided job description, thus continually working to improve learning and development for the children
actively seeking professional development in any of the above points which are considered by the teacher and / or the nursery as being factors requiring development
taking a broad interest in current educational issues
actively developing the learning environment at the nursery to the benefit of all children and other staff by further implementing and developing the curriculum policies of the English Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and inquiry-based learning approach
contributing to positively marketing the nursery
following the nursery’s health and safety guidelines and undertaking specific tasks related to the safety and hygiene of the children and the nursery
following the setting’s child protection procedures
completing a weekly planner for the project/units
submitting copies of each planner to the nursery manager
maintaining up to date knowledge and understanding of child development, curricula and learning and teaching theories and processes
encouraging open lines of communication between colleagues, parents and children
supporting the general upkeep, tidiness and cleanliness of the nursery, and contributing to the general well being of the team
planning and participating in outings and trips and ensuring children are kept safe and well at all times
participating in and supporting fund-raising activities
participating in and contributing to monthly staff meetings and ongoing supervision and training as required
participating in weekly planning meetings
assisting and supporting the supervision of all children in the nursery and completing relevant training as required by the regulatory bodies
supporting the planning and delivery of the parents’ information evening and termly parent-teacher meetings
undertaking any relevant tasks, as requested by the management team, that are necessary for the smooth running of the nursery and the welfare of the children in its care

Key Qualifications:

certificate, diploma or degree in Early Childhood Education or equivalent
Key Skills:

extensive knowledge and understanding of the English Early Years Foundation (EYFS) Stage Framework and Inquiry-based learning approaches
extensive knowledge and understanding of child development and teaching and learning strategies and processes
excellent spoken and written English communication skills
team player
good organisational skills
risk taker, critical thinker
willingness to foster positive relationships and a strong rapport with children and their parents
ability to work independently

The above is a brief outline of the position of a Teacher at Step by Step Nursery. It provides an overview of the responsibilities of the role.


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