Summer Maths & English lessons in Dubai by Female tutors - Dubai

Summer camp for kids in Dubai. This summer your children can get expert tutoring in English, Maths, Computers, French, Spanish at Gore's

Tutoring center in Dubai Knowledge Village. The summer lessons are conducted by Female tutors who have experience in tutoring kids

from British, IB as well as US curriculum. Call 052 768 95 65

Summer English/French/ Spanish Programs focus on Spellings, Grammar, Writing, Reading, Comprehension, Essay writing, vocabulary skill

improvement etc

Summer Maths program helps students to enhance their basic math skills such as addition/subtraction, Multiplication/Division, Working

with Fractions, Decimal numbers, basic algebra, geometry concepts..... Expert Maths teacher who has vast experience teaching students

from UK, IB as well as US curricula.

Call 052 768 95 65 (Mary / Christina)

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