Start Business in Ajman Free Zone - Ajman

मार्केटिंग प्लस गल्फ
अजमान फ्री जोन यूनाइटेड अरब एमिरात

हमें आपको बताने में अत्यंत ख़ुशी हो रही है कि हमारी कंपनी ( मार्केटिंग प्लस ) अजमान फ्री जोन में एक स्थाई कंपनी है जो दूसरे देशों के ब्यापारियों के निवेश का सबसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ अवसर प्रदान करती है । चाहे वो ब्यसयिक सेवा हो या विनिर्माण सेवा हो, या फिर वो ऑफशोर सेवा हो या किसी और प्रकार का ब्यवसाय स्थापित करना है तो इस तरह के सारे कार्यों के लिए हमारी कंपनी सेवा प्रदान करती है
हम आप से आशा करते हैं कि आप हमें सेवा का अवसर प्रदान करेंगे।

Ajman offshore company is controlled by Ajman Free Zone Offshore Companies Regulation authority. Ajman offshore company has been started in 2014, and since then it became a popular choice for offshore company formations.
Advantages of Ajman offshore company
No need to rent an office or industrial places. The legal address of offshore company registration agent is the address of the offshore company.
100% tax free
100% ownership allowed to foreigner
Ajman offshore company permitted to purchase, sale and take ownership of property in UAE (subject to earlier approval of the Emirate and its particular land department).
Ajman Offshore Company is not eligible to obtain a UAE residence visa for their shareholders, directors and secretory.
Fast Incorporation Procedure – Company formation documents can be delivered within 1 working day!
Low cost of company formation
Globally respected jurisdiction
Allowed to open a UAE Bank Account
0% corporation tax, income tax or VAT
No Paid-up Share Capital required for Ajman offshore company
Prestigious registered Dubai address
No annual audit requirement for Ajman offshore company
Anonymous and discreet
Offshore company in Ajman have some likeness with the offshore company from other jurisdictions in term of registration; though there are also addition advantages offered by the Ajman offshore company which make Ajman offshore company on the top of the list for the selection of offshore company formation.
Activities allowed for Ajman offshore company formation
Holding Company (Buy/Hold/Sell stakes of companies)
Investments and Joint Investments Company
General Trading
Advisory and Consulting Services
Professional Services
Shipping and ship management.
International services
Property Owning (Subject to land department approval)
Commission agents Company that is Intermediary Brokers (IB’s)
Differences of Ajman offshore company
The leading difference of Ajman offshore company is the fast incorporation time. A shareholder has to be present physically in the office of Ajman Free Zone but a register agent must be there to assist.
Shareholders shall be personally signing the registration documents and their presence is mandatory in front of authority to start the process of offshore company formation.
Documents required for offshore company in Ajman
In order to proceed with the Ajman offshore company incorporation, we need the following documents:
A passport copy of each shareholder.
An original bank reference letter for each shareholder.
An original proof of residency for each shareholder.
Articles of Association, Memorandum of Incorporation and the Application for incorporating an offshore company. (A standard format will be provided by us)
CV of each shareholder in English.
For More Information kindly contact : Mob : 00971-508413259, 0097155671500 Land Line : 00971-6-7479293 or Email : [email protected]

Posted on : 7 years ago, #54902, 2 views, Edit

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Ajman, UAE

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