Senior Support Engineer Required in Dubai - Dubai

Operational Responsibilities

1. Provide advice or support for technical issues related to Desktops, printers, scanners, blackberry etc to ensure that desktop and related equipment are in proper working condition
2. Ensure smooth running of customs applications like Emirsal, RCS, SAS, VCC, Master file, Coastal Manifest etc and provide technical support for common applications like Maximo, Corpweb, HRMS, RADIA etc, to lets users run applications without any problem
3. Provide support in installation and configuration of customs applications by checking and ensuring connectivity established, through dialup or VPN connection, for customs external users
4. Manage print queue servers to ensure proper printing
5. Ensure that customs users are in the right managed organization unit (OU) as per customs IT policy, to manage customs users efficiently
6. Provide guidance for basic network troubleshooting, to support in networking
7. Ensure proactive work, like checking the virus definitions and the connectivity with antivirus server to keep the system and its applications protected
8. Work along with Support Engineer and follow up with the vendors, for warranty repairs
9. Maintain the response time high, as much as possible, in handling issue/incident to achieve SLA timings and customer satisfaction
10. Oversee use of tools & methods, for enhancing desktop support
11. Share Knowledge between team members for improved desktop support services
12. Contribute for improving IT Service Delivery in Dubai Customs by providing information for incorporating efficient IT Service standards, strategies and procedures in annual strategic and operational plan for Information Technology Department – IT Service Delivery Section and implement the plans made
13. Perform all other related duties as assigned by direct supervisor on time with reliability, honesty, and discretion


Bachelor of IT or similar field


Posted on : 6 months ago, #110043, 1 views

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