Reiki is an ancient healing therapy which is believed to have originated in Tibet, later surfacing in Japan and introduced to the Western World in the mid 1970’s. Since then its use has spread worldwide and now millions of people use Reiki to help themselves and others stimulate the natural healing processes.

Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using Universal Life Energy channeled through the practitioner to the recipient. It is the energy which animates us all and is found all around us. If one's life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki has evolved as an energy medicine which can be understood through advanced physics principles. Reiki is neither cult, religion nor belief system and is beyond all our human divisions. Besides the obvious use in illness, Reiki actively promotes the healing process in many other ways. Reiki acts not only on the physical levels, but also addresses mental, emotional, and energetic imbalances.

Reiki is a particular frequency of energy that heals on all levels--physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. You don't need to have anything with you to benefit from Reiki.

Reiki has a similar effect on the body/mind as meditation. Regular Reiki promotes personal & spiritual growth, expands consciousness and stimulates intuitive, spiritual and creative awareness. Reiki Practitioners often say that one hour of Reiki is the equivalent of three to four hours deep relaxing sleep and Reiki is one of the most effective natural stress relief and health improvement therapies available today.

Activation of Reiki within a persons hands is made possible by a simple process called an attunement. The attunement or empowerment is performed by a Reiki Master during a workshop. It is the attunement which allows the person to tap into and channel the Reiki energy. It cannot be learned from books or just being talked about. Without the attunement you may direct healing energy, but it will not be Reiki energy.

No previous knowledge or training is required to attend the Reiki I workshop. Once Reiki is activated by the attunement process everyone is able to radiate this gentle, nurturing, unpolarised energy - regardless of age, experience, background or belief system. Anyone can receive and learn to give a Reiki treatment and Reiki is entirely compatible with any other conventional or complementary treatments. In one weekend you can obtain the skills and attunements necessary to use Reiki effectively for yourself, your family, your friends and pets!

The laying on of hands is taught with specific hand positions and procedure to channel energy into the chakras, major organs and glands and balance out the energy flow throughout the body. Reiki can be done on yourself as well as on all living things.

Simply Reiki can also be defined as the art of activating, applying and balancing the Universal Life Force energy that dwells within every living being, animal or plant. It is a holistic form of healing and works on the whole person-mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels at the same time. The term “healing” refers to the balancing of energy in the body so that it may heal itself.

Posted on : last year, #97324, 7 views

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