NOTICE - Dubai

NO. DUBA/CONS/434/01/15 (182)
Mr. Adrian Ritesh Anshuman Rego
S/o Ronald Philip James Rego
Resident of 12-Bilquis apts-1, Mahakali caves rd, Andheri (E) Mumbai – 400 093
Present address P.O.Box no 17055, Dubai, UAE.
and miss. Lavina Monteiro
Daughter of James Monteiro
Resident of 15 Peddar road Rijhumal Mansion Mumbai
Present address P.O.Box No 33675, Dubai, UAE.

Both Indian nationals presently residing in Dubai have given notice of intended marriage between them under the foreign marriages act. 1696. If anyone has any objection to the proposed marriage he/she should file the same with the undersigned according to the procedure laid down under the act/rules within thirty days from the date of the publication of this notice.

(R. Balakrishnan)
Consulate Visa & Marriage Officer
Consulate General of India
FAX NO.0097143970453
Email:[email protected]

Posted on : 8 years ago, #29054, 2 views, Edit

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