Music Teacher Required in Dubai - Dubai

Music Teacher Required in Dubai

Promote a positive ethos ensuring that all students are stretched and challenged, enjoy
and value academic subjects

Attend and participate in Music network meetings with other professionals to enhance
curriculum practice

Write curriculum information for parents and school or marketing documents that are

Promote student independence, leadership and voice within the curriculum
Ensure that all internal examinations are set, conducted and marked in a manner
consistent with external examination expectations

Monitor student progress (including use of data) and action subject-appropriate

Promote cross-curricular dimensions and the development of cross-curricular functional
skills: literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy

To ensure that all communication is acted upon appropriately and in a timely manner
To attend Parents’ Evenings, Assemblies, Productions, Sporting and Special Events
To be responsible for all College resources particularly those in your care, reporting damage
or loss to your line manager or the facilities manager, as appropriate

To foster a close partnership with parents, initiating contact in appropriate circumstances
and ensuring that there is a record of this

To carry out any reasonable professional request made by the Head Mistress, Head of
School or member of the SLT

To attend Prep School Staff Meetings and Briefings
To take a lead in the future development of Music in the Preparatory School
To be responsible for the ABC Private School’s contributions to the website, social media
and publications as necessary

To oversee and proof-read all full written and progress reports ensuring high quality
To provide a rich and varied programmed of co-curricular music
Plan and co-ordinate Preparatory School concerts and recitals and provide music
ensembles and soloists for College events both on and off-campus


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