E-commerce Digital Marketing Manager - Dubai

Dear Sir/Madam,
As a highly skilled SEO Specialist, I read your posting for a Digital Marketing Person with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking, in particular my role as a Digital Marketing Person, and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your organization.

Currently, I have been working on http://megapillsstore.com/ within last three months got ranking in Google,I have done everything from web development ,content and SEO and all other internet marketing activities.
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Many other keywords are on third and forth pages will be in ranking within couple of weeks
Untill Now I have done SEO for more than 50 websites including; informative website and eCommerce stores.

How did I achieve this?
With onpage SEO and offpage SEO.

Onpage SEO
On-site search engine optimization is all about adjusting your website to search engines or about pushing your site to the first page in SERP in a day. Thatis an online etiquette which demonstrates level of competence and also makes the crawlers visit web pages more eagerly.

· Keyword analysis and chosen keywords to optimize for
· Made sure my keywords are directly related to my niche
· Use unique short Meta tags based on my keywords
· Unique content using my primary keywords
· Keep my JavaScript in an external file
· Made sure that my code is clean and is no more than 100 K
· Have a customized 404 error page
· Take advantage of , and to show search pots and user agents what is important;
· Developed a good clean website structure based on my keyword analysis
· Usereadable URLs (I do mod-rewrite if needed)
· Didn't overuse images and flash
· Used alt text for my content-rich images and links
· Site map
· took advantage of rel=”nofollow” attribute to direct the PageRank flow

Off Page SEO

· Did Community Creation in Social Networking Sites
· Did Blogging
· Did Forum Postings
· Did Search Engine Submission of website to the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN
· Did Directory Submission
· Did Social Bookmarking on social bookmarking in popular bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Propeller, etc
· Did Cross-Linking
· Did Link to internal pages within your site wherever necessary (this is commonly termed Internal Linking).
· Did Photo Sharing on major photo sharing websites like Flickr, Picasa, Photo Bucket, Picli, etc
· Did Video Promotions
· Shared product videos, expert opinions, and reviews of your product and make them public in YouTube,
· Did Local Listings & Yellow Pages etc.
· Did Article Submission
· Did Press Release Promotion
· Did Classifieds Ads Submission
· Participated in Answers by asking and answering relevant questions and placing a link of website in the source section if necessary.
· Did Document Sharing
My Role

I have done everything by myself.

Yes, I know Content is King in SEO and online marketing. I am able to write website content articles and blog posts, I know how to play with words and fulfill Google crawler requirements.

Below are some examples of my work:
Website content

(Can use tools for content e.g. idea Generation etc )

I am very much capable of handling a CMS website entirely.I am an expert in PHP and most of the CMS are in PHP ,I can easily install ,edit and host easily all CMS including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,magento and OpenCart.I prefer WordPress and OpenCart because both are SEO and Google friendly, Joomla is also good CMS.

Please find the attached file

Your Truly,
Kashif javed

Posted on : 10 years ago, #11274, 1 views

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