3D Educators offer:
This unique program is designed very intelligently with the consensus of management gurus and taken up

at all levels of the organization’s managers and their functions. Organization needs to develop their

managers/professionals by time to time, who should meet the targets and goals on time with recent

market challenges. That’s only possible when organization groomed their managers/staff with a

continuous process through training & development.

The training program is affiliated with International Organization IMRTC USA and completely based on

training workshops at workplace. So that after completion of 12 Workshops on pick and choose basis the

candidate will become Associate Member of IMRTC USA and if he or she completed 24 Workshops then he or

she will become Chartered Professional Diploma of Leadership and Management.

Diploma in Leadership and Management, Diploma in Leadership and Management in Karachi, Diploma in

Leadership and Management in Pakistan, Leadership and Management Course

Posted on : 6 years ago, #79153, 9 views

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